2022 Civic Trust Award For 70 years of serving the youth of palmer township
Palmer Township athletic association
The Palmer Township Athletic Association was formed in 1947 with approximately 500 athletes involved. At that time, there were 6 sports – football, cheerleading, wrestling, basketball, baseball, and softball. The official date of the charter is October of 1952, as they were recognized as a non-profit organization.
The purpose of the Association is to provide and promote organized youth athletics to the residents of Palmer Township. There are currently nine sports offered, adding soccer in the late 1980’s, lacrosse in 2005 and field hockey in 2011. Three of these programs allow children as young as 5 years old to start and some include programs that allow them to play after high school. The number of athletes has grown to approximately 1,700 registrants per year, and they offer the most competitive registration prices in the Lehigh Valley.
The benefits of a community that offers organized sports contributes to the well being of each athlete, offering the ability to learn, grow and compete in their sports at all different levels. The Palmer Township AA prides itself on providing memorable experiences while teaching life values, like being great teammates, exhibit good sportsmanship and contribute to a positive outcome of a mutual goal.
The Palmer Township AA operates solely on volunteers. Currently there are approximately 250 coaches and volunteers. They acknowledge they are very fortunate to partner with the leadership of Palmer Township that provides our athletes the best facilities to play and practice on.
Tonight, we congratulate the Palmer Township Athletic Association for 70 years of service to the youth of Palmer Township. Accepting the award is Dave Dumple, President of PTAA.