awards banquets
Recognizing Community Individuals, Organizations and Businesses
In Palmer Township we have many people, organizations and businesses that have done special things that have made Palmer a wonderful place to work, live and play. To recognize these accomplishments the BIP for the last 35 years has held an annual banquet where we have presented Booster Awards, Community Service Awards and Civic Trust Awards. In 2010 the BIP added the Community Historic Award.
Booster Award
This award is presented for outstanding contributions to the Palmer Township community. It is made to the person who has exhibited outstanding service to others thus distinguishing Palmer Township through their contributions to their fellow man, the business community or political environment.
Community Service Award
The Community Service Award recognizes individuals and/or groups who by their service to others or contributions to the Palmer community help to distinguish Palmer as a caring community.
Civic Trust Award
The award is the highest tribute that the association of professionals can pay to a business, corporation or individual conducting commerce within the township boundaries of Palmer. It is intended to recognize significant physical improvement to existing properties, as well as new structures, which through the free-enterprise system, in turn, make an outstanding contribution to the business climate of the township.
Community Historic Award
This award is presented to a business who recognizes the historic value of their property and works to preserve it so that the historical past of Palmer Township can be preserved.